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Yo, el Gran Fercho / Nate the Great
by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marc Simont
Paperback, 60 Pages, Published 2018 by Santillana Usa
ISBN-13: 978-958-04-8598-8, ISBN: 958-04-8598-4

"My name is Nate, the Great. I am a detective and I love pancakes. Every time I go out to solve a case, I leave a note for my mom and take my dog with me. I always try to do the best I can, says our intrepid protagonist. Nate loves challenges and mysteries, and he uses his imagination and intelligence to solve his cases. Readers will be captivated by Nate s perseverance, humor and sense of adventure. The book is part of a series that is ..."

Yo, el Gran Fercho y la lista perdida / Nate the Great and the Lost List
by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marc Simont, Cristina Aparicio
Paperback, 48 Pages, Published 2018 by Santillana Usa
ISBN-13: 978-958-04-8599-5, ISBN: 958-04-8599-2

"Nate the detective is always busy. Even today, when he is leisurely eating his pancakes under a tree, his friend comes with the news that he lost the supermarket list and asks for his help to solve the lost-list-mystery. And so Nate goes on a new mission, with his dog faithfully at his side, to solve a new mystery. A beautifully illustrated detective story that young readers will love."

Yo, el Gran Fercho, y la Lista Perdida
(Coleccion Torre de Papel: Naranja) (Spanish Edition)
by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marc Simont, Cristina Aparicio
Paperback, 40 Pages, Published 1998 by Grupo Editorial Norma
ISBN-13: 978-958-04-2600-4, ISBN: 958-04-2600-7

"De por qué a Franz le dolió el estómago Christine Nóstlinger Las vacaciones de Franz Christine Nóstlinger Las ... Dimiter Inkiow King-Kong, mi mascota secreta Kirsten Boie King-Kong, el conejillo de Indias viajero Kirsten Boie A los duendes  ..."

Yo, El Gran Fercho
(Spanish Edition)
by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinmann S., Maria Paz Amaya, Marc Simont
Paperback, 63 Pages, Published 1998 by Norma S A Editorial
ISBN-13: 978-958-04-2599-1, ISBN: 958-04-2599-X

"King-Kong, el conejillo de Indias viajero Kirsten Boie Juan Pablo está feliz porque se va de vacaciones a la playa, pero tiene un problema: no puede llevar a King-Kong, su conejillo de Indias. Como sabe que las vacaciones sin su mascota ..."

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Marc Simont

Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

Cristina Aparicio

Maria Paz Amaya

Marjorie Weinmann

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