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Books by Franois Bugingo

Rebel Without Borders
Frontline Missions in Africa and the Gulf
by Marc Vachon, Charles Phillips, Francois Bugingo, Franois Bugingo, Jean-Christophe Rufin
Hardcover, 274 Pages, Published 2008 by Ecw Press
ISBN-13: 978-1-55022-786-4, ISBN: 1-55022-786-6

"This is a true story. Marc Vachon was born in Montreal in 1963. He went from one foster home to another. He knows the injustices that the weak must suffer in any society. He knows the violence, the abuse, and the emptiness that life can offer in so-called developed countries. He dealt with it the only way possible: through drugs and crime. He turned into “a bad egg” as he puts it. Until the day when, escaping an unbearable situation ..."

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Franois Bugingo

Jean-Christophe Rufin

Francois Bugingo

Marc Vachon

Charles Phillips