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Books by Joke Brouwer

The Politics of the Impure
Towards a Theory of the Imperfect
by Joke Brouwer, Bruce Sterling, Gunnar Heinsohn, Arjun Appadurai, Lynn Margulis, Rajeev Charles Patel, Arjen Mulder, Lars Spuybroek, Laura Martz
Paperback, 356 Pages, Published 2011 by Nai Publishers
Large Print
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-748-5, ISBN: 90-5662-748-1

"Piet Mondrian once wrote that "Life is basically simple. It may grow more and more complex, but it need not lose this simplicity. Complexity needs to be perfected, simplicity is man's perfect state." This statement encapsulates the values that would come to inform twentieth-century modernism. But it was not just the era's art that exalted purity--the same logic was at work in agriculture, urban planning and population control. This publ ..."

Information Is Alive(1st Edition)
Art And Theory On Archiving And Retrieving Data
by Joke Brouwer, Winy Maas, Arjun Appadurai, Simon Conway Morris, Arjen Mulder
Paperback, 192 Pages, Published 2003 by Nai Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-310-4, ISBN: 90-5662-310-9

"The archive has of late proven to be a powerful metaphor: history is viewed as an archive of facts from which one can draw at will; our bodies have become a genetic archive since being digitally opened up in the human genome project; our language is an archive of meanings that can be unlocked using philological tools; and the unconscious is an archive of the traumatic experiences that mold our identity. More and more artists and archite ..."

Making Art of Databases(1st Edition)
by Lev Manovich, Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder, Brian Massumi, Sher Doruff, Scott Lash, Joel Ryan, Rafael Lazano-Hemmer, Lida Mulder, S. Charlton, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, J. Brouwer
Paperback, 100 Pages, Published 2003 by Nai Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-309-8, ISBN: 90-5662-309-5

"In recent centuries a whole range of exact systems has been developed in order to describe and categorize spoken and written communication: phonologically, morphologically, syntactically, semantically, pragmatically, stylistically. But there is nothing similar for visual and audio communication, despite the fact that the importance of these media has increased dramatically over the last 200 years. Attempts to develop various systems for ..."

Transurbanism(1st Edition)
by Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder, Philip Brookman, Hans Padberg, Hans-Friedrich Geist
Paperback, 192 Pages, Published 2002 by Nai Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-236-7, ISBN: 90-5662-236-6

"Recent technological advances have radically altered the parameters of the urban field: trade takes place on a universal scale, work is immaterial and telematic, and new modes of communication influence the development of social relations. The city is the topographical area where these changes occur in their most concentrated form, where the conflicts and tensions accruing from them are most clearly articulated, where pixel and concrete ..."

Giving and Taking(1st Edition)
Antidotes to a Culture of Greed
by Peter Sloterdijk, Marcel Hénaff, Zygmunt Bauman, Joris Luyendijk, Lewis Hyde, Henk Oosterling, Lars Spuybroek, Reimar Schefold, Frank Veire, Arjen Mulder, Joke Brouwer, Sjoerd Van Tuinen
Paperback, 208 Pages, Published 2015 by Nai010 Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-94-6208-142-0, ISBN: 94-6208-142-5

"Most would agree that markets and money are crude measures when it comes to establishing the value of art. What exactly is being valued in the financial approach to culture, and what is being overlooked? Giving and Taking is an ambitious project that sets out to answer these questions. In the form of ten essays by authors from a range of disciplines, the volume represents a collective effort to establish a value of art that escapes or t ..."

Vital Beauty(1st Edition)
Reclaiming Aesthetics in the Tangle of Technology and Nature
by Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder, Lars Spuybroek, John Ruskin, Wendy Steiner, Laura Martz
Paperback, 256 Pages, Published 2012 by Nai Publishers/V2
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-856-7, ISBN: 90-5662-856-9

"As defined by the great art writer John Ruskin more than 150 years ago, "vital beauty" denotes an aesthetic of "sympathies"--that is, a beauty that embodies and demonstrates affinity with sentience in all its forms. Ruskin effectively liberated beauty from classical perfectionism by envisaging a world of currents and forces, rather than immobile ideals, and by celebrating nature's abundant diversity. Today, this wonderful conception req ..."

Technomorphia(1st Edition)
by Joke Brouwer
Paperback, 368 Pages, Published 1997 by Galgiani, Phillip
ISBN-13: 978-90-6617-186-2, ISBN: 90-6617-186-3

"Joke Brouwer, Carla Hoekendijk. ons in de tuin en kijken naar de kraaien die ronddartelen in de lucht. Als we zeggen dat we zo ... DETLEF B. LINKE THEOÏDEN, ANDROÏDEN EN KLONOÏDEN Detlef B. Linke (D) is als neuroloog verbonden aan het universiteitsziekenhuis in Bonn, en is docent klinische neurofysiologie en neurochirurgische revalidatie aan de Universiteit van Bonn. Zijn onderzoek richt zich op de samenhang tussen hersenfuncties, ..."

Art&D(1st Edition)
Research and Development in the New Art Practice
by Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder, Anne Nigten, Nai Publishers, Sandra Fauconnier, Ouvrage Collectif, Andrew E. Benjamin
Paperback, 256 Pages, Published 2005 by Nai Publishers/V2-Organization
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-389-0, ISBN: 90-5662-389-3

"Art&D considers changes in art practice due to media, to that new branch of art making known primarily as electronic art. Use of radio and video came first, about 25 years ago, but over the last ten years digital media and network technology have reigned. This new discipline embraces a heterogeneous collection of artistic, technological, and scientific disciplines and is also characterized by inter- and trans-disciplinary collaborations ..."

Feelings Always Local(1st Edition)
by Joke Brouwer, Arjun Appadurai, Mike Davis, Alexander Galloway, Arjen Mulder, Tijs Goldschmidt, Christopher Kelty, Karim Nader, Loretta Napoleoni, Christa Sommerer, Gijs Van Oenen, Ouvrage Collectif
Paperback, 208 Pages, Published 2005 by Nai010 Publishers/V2_Organization
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-423-1, ISBN: 90-5662-423-7

"Interactive art organizes itself as an open system: it preserves its coherence by exchanging matter, energy, and information with the environment. In that manner, interactive art is art whose state of rest must be disturbed before it can become art at all. Yet, it is precisely this instability makes it ever more complex. Feelings are Always Local is published on the occasion of DEAF04, the Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, which focuses o ..."

Dick Raaymakers(1st Edition)
A Monograph
by Arjen Mulder, Joke Brouwer, Dick Raaijmakers, Lida Mulder
Hardcover, 447 Pages, Published 2009 by Nai010 Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-600-6, ISBN: 90-5662-600-0

"In the movie, Valentin plays a percussionist in a small or- chestra. This percussionist does everything he can to follow the intentions of the conductor ( played by Valentin's wife, the actress Liesl Karlstadt) as accurately as possible. His bungling attempts fail miserably and cause the entire or- chestra's playing to deteriorate into total chaos. Just as Valentin tries to follow the conductor, the performer in Probe tries to imita ..."

Art Of The Accident, The
by Bart Lootsma, Andreas Broeckmann, Joke Brouwer, Lars Spuybroek
Paperback, 288 Pages, Published 1999 by Nai Publishers/V2-Organization
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-090-5, ISBN: 90-5662-090-8

"In the Art of the Accident the concept of 'accident' is not only based on the phenomenon that each machine brings with it its own form of disaster. It also implies that in a world of network technologies, the old distinction between form which is timeless and processes which are time-dependent is becoming increasingly unclear. The art accidentalis recognizes the creative potential of the accident, the fall, and the instability of digita ..."

Boek voor de instabiele media / Book for the unstable media , With many illustrations,
by Alex Adriaansens, Joke Brouwer, Rik Delhaas, Eugenie Den Uyl
Broschiert, Published 1992 by Hertogenbosch : Stichting V2,
ISBN-13: 978-90-90-04840-6, ISBN: 90-90-04840-5

Interact or Die(1st Edition)
There Is Drama In The Networks
by Brian Massumi, Detlef Mertins, Noortje Marres, Christian Hubler, Arjen Mulder, Lars Spuybroek, Joke Brouwer, Lida Mulder
Paperback, 208 Pages, Published 2007 by Nai Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-577-1, ISBN: 90-5662-577-2

"The 1990s dream of cyberspace and its immaterial possibilities seems now to belong to the distant past: our future will be material for some time to come. And yet, modern biology has shown that matter is far from inert. It is "self-organizing," "epigenetic" and "transductive"--three terms that are explored in this collection of essays and artistic interventions. We all know that blueprints for the future have regularly been rendered obs ..."

Dick Raaijmakers. Monografie.(1st Edition)
by Dick Raaijmakers, Lida Mulder, J. Brouwer, A. Mulder, Hepzibah Kousbroek
Hardcover, 528 Pages, Published 2007 by Nai Uitgevers/Publishers Stichting
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-599-3, ISBN: 90-5662-599-3

by Marc Bijl, Hussein Chalayan:, Aaron Betsky, Jisca Bijlsma, Joris Molenaar, Elly Adriaansz, Dolf Broekhuizen, Herman Van Bergeijk, Evert Van Straaten, Cathelijne Nuijsink, Nicole Timmer, Theo Baart, Arjen Mulder, Lars Spuybroek, Linda Vlassenrood, Roemer Van Toorn, Frank Havermand, Hella Jongerius, Erik De Jong, R. Van Amerongen, Veronique/ Patteeuw, Doris Von Drathen, Ingrid Commandeur, Marente Bloemheuvel, Toos Van Kooten, Josephine Bosma, Sue-An, Anna Tummers, Eva Meyer-Hermann, Bernard Colenbrander, Christian Rapp, Eelco Beukers, E. Brinkman, Klaske Havik, Kate Orff, Merijn Oudenampsen, Paulien Oltheten, Jennifer Allen, Jelle Bouwhuis, Benedict Anderson, Joep Leerssen, Luca Dosi Delfini, Kirsten Verhagen, John Ruskin, Joke Brouwer, Winy Maas, Tihamer Salij
Paperback, Published 2012 by Da2 Domus Artium
ISBN-13: 978-978-905-662-0, ISBN: 978-905-662-1

Boek Voor De Elektronische Kunst en Maaike Post. 184pp. Illustr.(1st Edition)
by Arjen Mulder, Maaike Post, Jan Sprij, Joke Brouwer
Paperback, 184 Pages, Published 2000 by Balie, Stichting
ISBN-13: 978-90-6617-254-8, ISBN: 90-6617-254-1

"Overzicht in woord en beeld over de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de elektronischekunst sinds de jaren tachtig."

Machine Times-Deafoo(1st Edition)
by Joke Brouwers, Arjen Mulder, Contributor-Andreas Broeckmann, Joke Editor Brouwer, Joel Brouwer, Ouvrage Collectif
Paperback, 192 Pages, Published 2001 by Nai010 Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-90-5662-189-6, ISBN: 90-5662-189-0

"At least since Einstein's theory of relativity and Bergson's conception of duration, and especially since the advent of personal technology such as the iPod and the cellphone, we have been aware that the modern experience of temporality is continually in redefinition. Published on the occasion of the DEAF 2000 festival in Rotterdam, Machine Times takes a close look at the role of time in the constitution of our technological reality, in ..."

V2 Interfacing Realities
by Stephen Munker, Joke Brouwer, Carla Hoekendijk
Paperback, 72 Pages, Published 1997 by Uitgeverij De Balie,Netherlands
ISBN-13: 978-90-6617-183-1, ISBN: 90-6617-183-9

"Stefan Münker. zou het mooist zijn als de interface onmerkbaar was." 8 In letterlijke zin geeft deze uitspraak weer waarom ik mij thans ... Karlheinz Barck formuleerde dit in zijn studie over Hier is de aanvankelijk behulpzame metafoor echter ..."

All Authors

Joke Brouwer

Arjen Mulder

Lars Spuybroek

Arjun Appadurai

Lida Mulder

Laura Martz

Ouvrage Collectif

Brian Massumi

Winy Maas

John Ruskin

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2013 - 2015

2010 - 2013

2007 - 2010

2004 - 2007

2001 - 2004

1998 - 2001

1995 - 1998

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