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Books by Roger Simó

Women's Suffrage(Illustrated)
(Blast Back!)
by Nancy Ohlin, Roger Simó
Paperback, 112 Pages, Published 2018 by Little Bee Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4998-0618-2, ISBN: 1-4998-0618-3

"Blast back to the past and learn all about the women's suffrage movement.When people think about the women's suffrage movement, things like voting rights and protests may come to mind. But what was the movement all about, and what social change did it bring? This engaging nonfiction book, complete with black-and-white interior illustrations, will make readers feel like they've traveled back in time. It covers everything from the history ..."

The Civil Rights Movement(Illustrated)
(Blast Back!)
by Nancy Ohlin, Roger Simó
Paperback, 112 Pages, Published 2017 by Little Bee Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4998-0454-6, ISBN: 1-4998-0454-7

"Get ready to blast back to the past and learn all about the Civil Rights Movement!When people think about the Civil Rights Movement, things like segregation and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech may come to mind. But what was the movement all about, and what social changes did it bring? This engaging nonfiction book, complete with black-and-white interior illustrations, will make readers feel like they've traveled bac ..."

The Statue of Liberty
(Blast Back!)
by Nancy Ohlin, Roger Simó
Paperback, 112 Pages, Published 2017 by Little Bee Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4998-0456-0, ISBN: 1-4998-0456-3

"Get ready to blast back to the past and learn all about the Statue of Liberty!When people think about the Statue of Liberty, that iconic statue will surely come to mind. But why do we have that statue, and who is that woman anyway? This engaging nonfiction book, complete with black-and-white interior illustrations, will make readers feel like they've traveled back in time. It covers everything from how the statue was built to the histor ..."

Project Bright Spark(None)
(Collins Big Cat)
by Annabel Pitcher, Collins Big Cat, Roger Simó
Paperback, 128 Pages, Published 2013 by Harpercollins Uk
ISBN-13: 978-0-00-746550-7, ISBN: 0-00-746550-5

"Briony had always suspected there was something wrong with her teacher. But after doing some further investigation with her friend Sergio, she uncovers a secret conspiracy so amazing that she could never have believed it was true. Find out how the adventure unfolds in this thrilling mystery novel by Carnegie-medal nominee Annabel Pitcher. * Diamond/Band 17 books offer more complex, underlying themes to give opportunities for children t ..."

Women's Suffrage
(Blast Back! )
by Nancy Ohlin, Roger Simó
Hardcover, 112 Pages, Published 2018 by Little Bee Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4998-0619-9, ISBN: 1-4998-0619-1

"Blast back to the past and learn all about the women's suffrage movement.When people think about the women's suffrage movement, things like voting rights and protests may come to mind. But what was the movement all about, and what social change did it bring? This engaging nonfiction book, complete with black-and-white interior illustrations, will make readers feel like they've traveled back in time. It covers everything from the history ..."

Pearl Harbor
(Blast Back! )
by Nancy Ohlin, Roger Simó
Hardcover, 112 Pages, Published 2018 by Little Bee Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4998-0621-2, ISBN: 1-4998-0621-3

"Blast back to the past and learn all about the attack on Pearl Harbor.When people think about Pearl Harbor, things like WWII and Japan may come to mind. But why did the attack occur, and what happened as a result? This engaging nonfiction book, complete with black-and-white interior illustrations, will make readers feel like they've traveled back in time. It covers everything from the history of WWII to the details of the attack, and mo ..."

The Civil Rights Movement
(Hardback Or Cased Book)
by Nancy Ohlin, Roger Simó
Hardcover, 112 Pages, Published 2017 by Little Bee Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4998-0455-3, ISBN: 1-4998-0455-5

"Get ready to blast back to the past and learn all about the Civil Rights Movement!When people think about the Civil Rights Movement, things like segregation and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech may come to mind. But what was the movement all about, and what social changes did it bring? This engaging nonfiction book, complete with black-and-white interior illustrations, will make readers feel like they've traveled bac ..."

Pearl Harbor
(Blast Back!)
by Nancy Ohlin, Roger Simó
Paperback, 112 Pages, Published 2018 by Little Bee Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4998-0620-5, ISBN: 1-4998-0620-5

"Blast back to the past and learn all about the attack on Pearl Harbor.When people think about Pearl Harbor, things like WWII and Japan may come to mind. But why did the attack occur, and what happened as a result? This engaging nonfiction book, complete with black-and-white interior illustrations, will make readers feel like they've traveled back in time. It covers everything from the history of WWII to the details of the attack, and mo ..."

The Statue of Liberty
(Hardback Or Cased Book)
by Nancy Ohlin, Roger Simó
Hardcover, 112 Pages, Published 2017 by Little Bee Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4998-0457-7, ISBN: 1-4998-0457-1

"Get ready to blast back to the past and learn all about the Statue of Liberty!When people think about the Statue of Liberty, that iconic statue will surely come to mind. But why do we have that statue, and who is that woman anyway? This engaging nonfiction book, complete with black-and-white interior illustrations, will make readers feel like they've traveled back in time. It covers everything from how the statue was built to the histor ..."

World War II
(Blast Back!)
by Nancy Ohlin, Roger Simó
Paperback, 112 Pages, Published 2016 by Little Bee Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4998-0275-7, ISBN: 1-4998-0275-7

"Get ready to blast back to World War II and discover what life was like during that time!Discover what life was like throughout the world during World War II. This engaging nonfiction book, complete with black and white interior illustrations, will make readers feel like they've traveled back in time. It covers everything from how the war started to the Holocaust to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and more. Find out interesting, little-kno ..."

Lengua castellana 6º CS. Dosier de aprendizaje - 9788448934842
by Núria Murillo, Montserrat Murillo Camps, Rosamaría Felip, Anna Triola, Roger Simó, Montserrat Camps Mundó, Regina Romero, Aa.Vv.
Paperback, 176 Pages, Published 2015 by Barcanova
ISBN-13: 978-84-489-3484-2, ISBN: 84-489-3484-9

"Lengua castellana 6º CS. Dosier de aprendizaje (ed. 2015) editado por Barcanova"

Lengua castellana, 6º Primaria
by Montserrat Camps Mundó, Rosamaría Felip, Anna Triola, Nuria Murillo, Roger Simó, Rose Montañola, Ester González, Montserrat Bota, Rosa Pascual Boixaderas, Carme Pascual
Paperback, 208 Pages, Published 2015 by Barcanova
ISBN-13: 978-84-489-3485-9, ISBN: 84-489-3485-7

"(15).lengua castellana 6e.prim.*caligrama* editado por Barcanova"

Lengua castellana 6º CS. Libro de conocimientos - 9788448934835
by Montserrat Camps, Rosamaria Felip, Anna Triola, Roger Simó, Núria Murillo, Regina Romero
Paperback, 136 Pages, Published 2015 by Barcanova
ISBN-13: 978-84-489-3483-5, ISBN: 84-489-3483-0

"Lengua castellana 6º CS. Libro de conocimientos (ed. 2015) editado por Barcanova"

Construïm, Flauta de bec, Nivell 3, Educació Primària
by Marta Costa López, Mercè Plana Gavaldà, Roger Simó, Anna Llenas Serra
Paperback, 24 Pages, Published 2015 by Grupo Sm Educación
ISBN-13: 978-84-661-3814-7, ISBN: 84-661-3814-5

"El projecte CONSTRUÏM tracta la música com un fet vivencial i integrador a partir del qual, a banda d'aprendre'n el llenguatge, es desenvolupen les múltiples capacitats cognitives dels alumnes.Les cançons, les audicions, les danses i les creacions fetes pels alumnes estimulen les tres competències musicals essencials: escoltar, interpretar i crear."

Manuel Tiene Una Palabra Nueva
by Sebastià Sorribas, Roger Simó
Paperback, 22 Pages, Published 2013 by La Galera Sau
ISBN-13: 978-84-246-2348-7, ISBN: 84-246-2348-7

"Manuel wants to say a new word on his 2nd birthday and comes up with a very specialone."

El laberint de la plaça de la Font
(El Barco de Vapor Roja)
by Roger Simó, Pau Joan Hernàndez
Paperback, 197 Pages, Published 2014 by Cruïlla
ISBN-13: 978-84-661-3623-5, ISBN: 84-661-3623-1

"El matí que la Carla no va a l'escola, la Tina, la seva millor amiga, no en fa gaire cas. Quan al migdia li truca per saber què li ha passat i una veu metàl·lica anuncia que el número que ha marcat no correspon a cap abonat, es comença a amoïnar."

Valencià. Llengua I Literatura 2. Projecte Eines - 9788483452516(1st Edition)
by Teresa Canós Verdecho, Teresa Fuster Muñoz, Joan Peraire Ibáñez, Montserrat Ferrer Ripollés, Roger Simó
Paperback, 260 Pages, Published 2012 by Castellnou Editora Valenciana
ISBN-13: 978-84-8345-251-6, ISBN: 84-8345-251-0

"Nou projecte de valencià per a l¿ESO amb un totalment comunicatiu"

Nou Coneixement del medi natural, social i cultural 2n(2nd Edition)
(Projecte Salvem la Balena Blanca)
by Roger Simó, Maria Oller, Vv.Aa.
Paperback, 182 Pages, Published 2012 by Castellnou Edicions
ISBN-13: 978-84-9804-764-6, ISBN: 84-9804-764-1

"Aquest llibre forma part del nou projecte d¿Educació Primària Salvem la Balena Blanca. Aquest projecte, fruit del treball d¿un conjunt de professionals de l¿educació, del sector editorial i del sector de les tecnologies aplicades a l¿educació, ha treballat els continguts curriculars fent un enfocament competencial de l¿ensenyament-aprenenta tge, coordinant verticalment totes les àrees i potenciant l¿educació en valors. El llibre es pres ..."

Nou Coneixement del medi natural, social i cultural 1r - 9788498047639(2nd Edition)
by Mercè Ortí, Roger Simó, Maria Oller, Varios Autores
Paperback, 184 Pages, Published 2012 by Castellnou Edicions
ISBN-13: 978-84-9804-763-9, ISBN: 84-9804-763-3

"Aquest llibre forma part del nou projecte d¿Educació Primària Salvem la Balena Blanca. Aquest projecte, fruit del treball d¿un conjunt de professionals de l¿educació, del sector editorial i del sector de les tecnologies aplicades a l¿educació, ha treballat els continguts curriculars fent un enfocament competencial de l¿ensenyament-aprenenta tge, coordinant verticalment totes les àrees i potenciant l¿educació en valors. El llibre es pres ..."

Projecte 3 Punt 16, música i dansa 6 Educació Primària, cicle superior. Quadern d'àctivitats 6
by Equip Editorial Cruïlla, Marta Costa López, Mercè Plana Gavaldà, Roger Simó
Paperback, 32 Pages, Published 2009 by Editorial Cruïlla, S.A
ISBN-13: 978-84-661-2251-1, ISBN: 84-661-2251-6

"Quaderns d'activitats per consolidar i ampliar els continguts del llibre de l'alumne"

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Roger Simó

Nancy Ohlin

Equip Ial Cruïlla

Marta Costa López

Mercè Plana Gavaldà

Annabel Pitcher

Collins Big Cat

Anna Triola

Rosamaría Felip

Núria Murillo

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